Apple Watch is the ultimate device for a healthy life so during Summer we ran these ultra-satisfying ads that put the feeling of being active right in your face, politely.

Working as Associate Creative Director, I lead development of a summer campaign that was having so much fun that it motivated the audience to get out there and get active while messaging the three top reasons to buy; water resistance, health and fitness monitoring, and the fact that it can call for help if something bad happens.

This project was a true collaboration of product marketing, analytics, strategy, and creative. And technically it was a huge effort, with an Apple-sized media buy on TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest & YouTube, we needed these to look exceptional in many aspect ratios.

Since our main audience would be watching on their phone, we shot these vertically in camera then cropped, panned scanned and tracked every aspect ratio to suit. Our effort made this one of the most holistically successful social campaigns the company had done to date, even boosting product sales during an otherwise busy summer.